jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

About oneself space, dreams, cats and coffee

I'm stuck, that's it. I'm spending my time daydreaming about where I will live, what I'll do, how happy I'll be, but not doing anything for changing my actual situation. Well, maybe I'm doing something, but not enough. I know I could be drastic and change all upside down, but I'm keeping that option as a lifeboat. If I have to be honest, I'm not that bad/sad/bored/lost, but I feel like I could be happier. So, for having my mind tidy I made a list with things I'd have to change for improving my happiness level.

1# Move to a place where I can have a tiny spot for crafting-drawing-creating. Creativity has worked always for me like water for plants. If I can't create enough I feel dry and down. Nowadays I have all my craft stuff stacked handy into brown moving boxes. It's true that now I have my bedroom and a large table, but, it's all shared and my family can be REALLY untidy. So I spend more time cleaning the table, disposing the things I'm going to use and then keeping them than creating. I dream with a modest place, nothing special, but cozy and useful. Something like that.

Photo source here
2# Find a job for me or Mr Glass. The worst problem of being unemployed for me is not the money, it's that I don't have challenging goals or any coaching for improving my skills. I'm putting my own goals, like posting more, but I don't have anyone for sharing our good work together. And, why not, having a good place where we can work, maybe as a freelance. And maybe, just maybe, we could work in the same place even if our jobs are completly different.

3# Find an illustrator for my book. When I was in Nottingham I wrote a kids book about the importance of listening carefully what surrounds you. Which would make me happier because I'll have a (temporal) job and someone for working with.

4# Adopt a cat. I've never been living in a place more than 1 and a half year, with my parents' house exception. And neither my mum or Mr Glass have let me adopt a pet, although I love animals like crazy. After asking for a hamster more than one year, my mum let me have a Russian hamster called Peter Albóndiga (meatball). I trained him, and my mum fell in love with Peter. He came to us when we called him and kissed you with his little tongue. He was more like a mini dog than a hamster, but hamster's lifespan is about 3 years or so. Fortunately I have my brother's dog, Rantamplán. He's the sweetest dog ever and he behaves a little like cats because when he was rescued from street he was living with cats.

Anyway, something inside myself tells me that at some point I'll be a cute granny with more than one cat, drinking decorated coffee, feeling in peace and, every day, creating. Of course, I'll have really long white hair in a huge braid. A cute granny artist with a whole life of adventure memories.

Photo source here

2 comentarios:

  1. I love this post! I really wish I could have met Peter "Meatball" (best hamster name EVER), and I would love to read your children's book. I've always wanted to write one, too! That picture of the floating house is awesome. I'd totally live there. ^^ (Your English skills just get more amazing every day!)xo

    1. Yes, you'd have fallen in love with my hammy. I wrote the book when I was in Nottingham, I was so inspired there... I think you'd write a thoughtful and interesting book. We can make a deal, we could have a wooden floating footbridge between our houses. I promise to keep my future cat far away from your birdies. (You made me smile so hard that now my cheeks hurt!)
